Monday, January 23, 2012

Starting Fresh - It's New Moon time!

**** I'll be re-posting this new moon blog from January, every new moon.  Today, February 21, 2012 at 2:35 PST the Moon is new in Pisces.  Pisces is the dreamer so dream away! ****

For many years now I have worked with the moon's a personal thing and it continues to work for me in huge ways with respect to my inner growth. I speak about my experiences in the true spirit of sharing.  If you get something from it, great.  If not, great.  I'm not here to push my way of doing things on anyone, only to share for those of you who are looking to make changes in your lives and find my sharing stuff helps. :-)  

So here we are today basking in the powerful manifesting energy that the New Moon brings to us every 28 days :-)  This first New Moon of 2012 is in Aquarius and it also marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, that of the Water Dragon.  Sounds exciting right?! I think it is because that's the word NEW doubled today!  Not only that but Aquarius is a sign of humanitarians (Oprah is a good example), water (as in Year of the Water Dragon) for me is about heart and emotions, and dragons are about power, so it's good to keep those things in mind as we move through this year.  I feel that this year is about us each coming into our full power by way of our hearts ... LOVE is the only way forward.  The dragon is fearless and love can't exist where there is fear so working on self-love first is the key to having that love energy vibrate out into the world.  It matters not your belief is about acceptance of everyone and their personal beliefs and backgrounds.  It's important that we do what feels right to us and stay true to ourselves and our own intuition more than ever.

When the moon is new it isn't visible to us here on earth, it's completely dark because she is starting from scratch (again) on her journey to becoming full. While she is starting from scratch, so can we.  It's a follow the leader kinda thing!   Therefore the intentions you set at this time of fresh starts can grow as she grows.  The thing is, one needs to have patience when working with moon cycles (and in every other area of our lives come to think of it!).  In this world of instant gratification and convenience it is quite interesting to work with moon cycles because it humbles us and slows us down.  We realize that everything takes the time it takes just as the moon waxes and wanes in it's own time, so will our progress with ourselves and the changes we wish to make and experience in our lives.  We humans have much to learn from nature.

We have information coming at us left and right at lightening speed, self help books are a dime a dozen and everyone seems to 'know' what they 'should' be doing but it all seems so overwhelming at times so we feel like we don't know where to start, or we're doomed before we even take the first step.  What has worked for me has been to work on something I 'know' well but haven't actually incorporated into my everyday life yet.  We all know alot but we aren't always practicing what we preach so to speak.  The need to be completely honest with ourselves is first on the list and the willingness to change would be next.

So let's say you notice yourself criticizing yourself constantly, something I think we all can relate to!  You could make a promise to yourself to be kinder to yourself from now on, and when you catch yourself beating yourself up, stop on the spot and ask your inner critic to be quiet.  Then call on your inner praise giver and give yourself a compliment or pat on the back instead.  Or what if you are a chronic worry wart, you could make a promise to yourself to stop your worry thought and replace it with a reassuring thought.  If we work on one thing starting NOW and make it the one thing we pay attention to, it will become habit and the result will be you loving yourself more than you did before.  The next moon cycle you can check where you're at and incorporate something else you wish to change about yourself into your daily life.  Even if you think you've done something unforgivable or made past mistakes, you are lovable no matter what whether you feel that way or not. Don't let something from your past hold you back from starting today to be a better person.

Personally i think there is more power in changing our inner 'stuff' because the outer stuff like smoking, drinking, overeating, gambling, shopping, working, sex, or whatever addictions you might be struggling with, are simply what we do because we don't love ourselves.  The more we make it a priority to love ourselves, the things we do to sabotage and hurt ourselves eventually fall away on their own.  At least that's how it has been working for me.  The cool part too, is you are making a promise to yourself with Creator or God or whoever you pray to as your witness, so if you break your promise it is between you and the universe, no one else gets a say.  IF that does happen you just have to do like Clint Eastwood and get back on the horse!  Without beating yourself up of course and keep going until you are riding like a pro!!  

I believe that we can start fresh and make changes in our lives at any time because our power is always in the moment, however setting new intentions and incorporating change gets an extra boost of help when the moon is new.  So if you haven't been successful with your New Years resolutions, you can start again now and perhaps have more success due to the supporting energies!

The moon has ALWAYS fascinated me, and now that I've come to know her and the energy she offers freely, I know why. Well that, and my sun sign is Cancer which is ruled by the moon!! She was completely dark last night (Jan. 22) at 11:39pm PST.  The cool part is whether you can SEE her or not, her energy can definitely be felt by us humans here on this beautiful earth!!  Her current energy being one of manifesting and fresh starts!!  I will be spending tonight and tomorrow creating a vision board.  It's super important to really feel what you are visioning and intending.  I also write a list of personal achievements I plan to accomplish (short term and long term), and set an intention to incorporate a new healthy habit into my daily life....then lastly and most importantly, I thank Grandmother Moon from my heart, for her beauty and for lending me her energy at this time. 


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