Friday, October 7, 2011


Hi everyone (if anyone is actually reading this stuff!! hehe)  There are a couple of past blogs I had on my website and as notes in my facebook that I'm being guided to move to this new blog page!  They are posted below...enjoy!!

February 12, 2011


Something just happened outside the Safeway today near where I’m staying here in Edmonton, Alberta and I fee inspired to write about it.  As I was going into the store a homeless guy was outside and asked me for food.  I told him I didn’t have much more money than he had and that is my truth, not that I expected him to believe me as I’m dressed decently and just got out of my car which is almost on empty.  As I entered the store beside a man who works there who was collecting grocery carts, the man said “is he bothering you?” to which I replied “no, he just hungry man”.  My intentions in that moment were to give him something out of the food I was about to purchase when I went back outside if he was still there.

I bought a few things, carefully adding things up as I went, unable to get this homeless dude out of my mind, but when I came out instead of finding the hungry guy, I found security people who I assume just ran him off!  I was so triggered!!  This hits home for me because the only reason I’m not that hungry guy is because I have people in my life who have supported me during this challenging time of my life, and my faith and trust that I always have what I need, which I do.  What makes my life different that that homeless guy’s is my amazing friends and family.  A support group I couldn’t be MORE grateful for.  I am like him in so many ways.  Unable to conform to the ways of society, our system, unable to work for ‘the man’ or do for work that which is not my purpose.

That incident today made me even more grateful that I have a roof over my head and food to eat today, and that I have hope and trust in people and the universe for a better tomorrow.  I didn’t see hope in his eyes, I just saw hunger and hopelessness.  I don’t know his story, and neither do you.  I would think no one stops to ask, which I had every intention of doing when I came out of the store to offer him some of my food.

Sometimes I wonder what has become of us and how unbalanced our world is.  No human should be hungry.  So the next time a homeless person asks you for change or food, give it to him!!  Oh you might say “well he might spend it on drugs or alcohol” and to that I say WHO CARES!  Maybe that change or food you give him represents HOPE.  Have you ever seen the twinkle in a homeless person’s eyes when you offer your kindness?  I suggest you open your heart and mind and try it. 

Peace & Love

May 17, 2010


I don't watch alot of television, very little compared to many.....I do remember as a child we only had three channels (one in french) and that my mother muted the commercials when they came on (after we got a remote control!).  I didn't question it at the time and wasn't really sure why she did that, I just know that I definitely didn't see alot of commercials growing up.  As an adult I now find myself with a different perspective on commercials than most people, I'm sure due in part to this practice of my mother's.  When i DO watch tv here and there now and a commercial comes on, I can't help but see the 'masterminds' behind the scenes sitting around a boardroom table being paid six digit figures as they brainstorm about how they can convince us to buy their shit!  The angles they'll use, jingles, pictures and concept to get our attention and talk us into buying their product.  I'm sure that it's no mistake the volume of a commercial is decibals louder than the show you are watching.  Mostly I find it amusing....what I don't find amusing is the fact that every third or fourth commercial are ads to talk us into buying DRUGS!  Does anyone else see this? 

Apparently there is a 'legal' drug (prescription and over the counter) for anything that ails long as the list of twenty side effects is something you're willing to risk getting in order to get rid of what ails you!  I suppose when you get one of the side effects, you could always keep your eye out for a pill to take for that too!!  The other night I actually heard with my own ears that one of the side effects by taking whatever drug they were pushing was cancer??  So the question then becomes do you take their pill to help your arthritis if you know you could get cancer as a result of the pill???  Definitely a personal choice and not one I would have to think about for too long!  The ones that really get me, are the ones that an entire commercia is dedicatedl to and they never even say what the pill is for!  They do however list the side effects, so I guess if you're looking to feel shittier you could run right out to your doctor and order some up!

It's obvious to me that prescription drugs are equally addictive as any drug the legal drug industry has labelled "illegal" and I seriously question why someone who grows a plant in the ground, dries it and smokes it, is deemed a criminal in the eyes of our system and as a result, our society.  Yet it's quite obviously okay for these same people to push their drugs on television????  I don't know about you, but it all stinks to me!!

We humans seem vulnerable to me inthat everyone is looking outside themselves for something to make themselves feel better and the 'masterminds' look for our weak spots in order to sell us just what we're looking for.  I believe everything comes down to 'intentions' and I do not believe it's their 'intention' to help us by offering a pill to soothe our pain (and we all have experienced our fair share of that!).  I believe it is their' intention' to keep us medicated so we continue to purchase their products and hopefully become addicted and maybe, if they're lucky, make us more sick so they can prescribe more drugs and make even more money! 

I find it ironic too that someone who smokes pot (marijuana, cannibis) is a criminal, and someone who's cupboards and bathroom cabinet is overflowing with prescription drugs isn't??  Hmmmmm.   Some people (including some well known celebrities) have overdosed and died taking prescription drugs, and these same drugs are sold on the street every day, I know this because I know people who have sold them!  I wonder if a street dealer gets busted selling herb and perks if they only get charged for selling the herb??? Hmmmmm.

I have not been on the conventional medical system since 1994 and have taken no prescription drugs in that time and at the most have taken the very odd tylenol or aspirin as far as over the counter medication cold and flu medication, cough syrup or anything 'they' make.  'They' scare me...and I don't trust 'them'.  If my body is ailing, I look to it for answers understanding that my body is talking to me about something that is going on with me on an emotional or psychological level.  I begin to immediately work on this area of my life and when I heal that part of inner landscape, the physical symptoms go away (references for the psychological symptoms can be found in You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, and Listen to your Body by Lise Bourbeau and on various websites).  I see a naturopath and take natural herbs or use remedies from the land to help me heal as well. 

I'm not saying this way of life and belief system is for everyone and that pharmaceuticals have not taken your pain away immediately and offered  some relief or possibly even saved a life.  I AM saying the prescription drug business (and it IS a business) is out of control when prescription drug pushing on tv has somehow become acceptable to us.

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