Have you ever taken a side? You know what I'm talking about, people in your world are disagreeing, not getting along, one person does something the other person thinks is unspeakable and runs to tell you about how horrible the other person is....or maybe you witness something between two people and you form your own opinion, place a judgement and take a side. I find this human behavior of ours quite interesting to observe. It runs especially rampant within family units and causes mixed feelings, bad feelings, and unnecessary upheavel. In my experience it can all be prevented by practicing one simple piece of advice: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. : ) What is between two people is between two people. It's none of our business.
It's hard sometimes actually putting this into practice because we love our family members and friends and feel protective of them, so when one feels hurt by something the other has done or said, it's not the easiest thing to take a step back...stay detached...just listen and offer support without judging or taking a side. However, if we can manage to put this into practice, we are one step closer to finding our inner peace.
Have you ever taken a side and regretted it? I have. More than once in my life that's for sure and it's sometimes left me sitting alone being the odd man out. Once the two people who were having issues ended up working through them, forgiving and loving each other again, there I was on the outs with the other person who ultimately did nothing to me in the first place! Awkward!!
It's interesting to observe people, after having been 'hurt' by another, run around telling everyone their version of the story in an attempt to accummulate allies! My advice? Don't fall into this trap! Don't be their ally. It's far healthier to offer your ear and some compassion and letting them know there is some life lesson they are having to learn as a result. Let them know you are there for them, and even pray for help for them, but do yourself a favor and don't take a side.
The next time your friend, or sister, or brother gets into a conflict with someone.....try practicing detachment and minding your own business. See how it feels not to get over involved in the lives of others (after all this is just a distraction to not have to face our own life!). Or the next time you feel that someone has done you wrong or is triggering you, don't attempt to gather allies....take a step back and ask yourself what it is you are meant to learn about yourself through that experience.
We are all on our own journeys and learning about ourselves as we go. Go easier on yourself and on others, set necessary boundaries, and don't forget to mind your own business ;-)
OH BARB????? This is such sage advice..I see me through all the lines...I am grateful for your blog and "if I wasn't busy minding my own business" I would comment further...haha love you soul sister....